

Blood testing for cats and dogs helps the veterinarian diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions, including parasites, allergies, diabetes, liver disease, kidney failure, and pancreatic issues, to name a few.  

Routine blood work, along with a thorough physical exam, give the veterinarian the most information about your pet’s health so that the best treatment and prevention recommendations can be made.  

Routine blood work is recommended any time your veterinarian feels that it will give more information during the diagnosis of a medical issue. It should also be performed as part of your pet’s annual wellness exams, much like our doctors perform blood tests during our routine physicals. This can allow early detection of some common conditions. In addition, regular blood work is recommended every 12 months for senior pets, or sooner depending on certain health conditions or medications being taken.

Your veterinarian will usually need a combination of a complete blood count, also called CBC, and a blood chemical analysis to diagnose your pet and have a thorough understanding of your pet’s current health. A urine sample for a urinalysis may also be recommended to give more insight into your pet’s overall health.